Blockchain technology represents the future of security and software development. With a high demand for Blockchain developers within the IT industry, the Certified Blockchain Institute can offer a wide range of fast-paced knowledge and support for individuals seeking IT certification.
The Certified Blockchain Institute
A Unique Experience
Our company offers a unique experience to allow developers to get ahead of the curve using certified blockchain processes in programming. Demonstrating this knowledge to a potential employee or overcoming peers can help make any developer extremely in demand throughout their field.
Our certification programs
Designed to help boost your professional career
Through a blockchain certification, we can effortlessly help you join thousands of successful working professionals in the field.

CBI Blockchain White Belt CBIWB
Through this aspect of the course we will introduce the concepts involved in blockchain.

CBI Blockchain Green Belt CBIGB
Green Belt goes beyond the standard concepts in blockchain to utilise advanced tools in the industry.
The benefits of the program
Program Benefits
Completing one of these technological certifications can provide any developer with new credibility in their field. We can deliver certification and knowledge that can showcase commitment in the future development of block chain technology. This is professional development on a whole new level. We work with a variety of employers as well to ensure that we can offer these careers certifications to their employees. Certification for your IT development force can often lead to improvements across the entire workspace.
Benefits for your career
Accessing an IT certification will ensure that you can have in it vantage when you are submitting your resume to any type of new position. Recruiters are specifically looking for Block Chain certifications today. As the nature of IT and development are changing at a rapid pace, this certification can help with the consistent competition in IT roles. Working with the Certified Blockchain Institute to ensure that you make your way from a regular developer all the way up to management in a quick procedure.
How can this certification help you get a job?
- Having a current certification like this one can stand as a significant aid to helping you acquire a new position. Showcasing your talent with a fresh certification like this could help you to qualify for a new position because you are demonstrating current skills certification.
- It is very likely that your resume will be noticed above other candidates vying for the same position within a company. A current certification like this one can give you a distinct advantage over other competition in your job market.
Job retention through certification
- The nature of the IT industry is extremely competitive right now. As there are many companies that are looking to reduce their operational costs with the help of outsourcing, making sure that someone’s job can stay relevant can be very important. In the future, and IT certification can often separate you from some of the competition and make you an indispensable asset at a corporation. Certification can also help in the unfortunate circumstance where you may need to find a new position.
- A recent certification showcases that you have a diverse skill set and that you are determined to stay current in order to add value to your company.
Personal Advancement
Having Expertise
- There are many companies and corporations that will support individuals in earning new certifications. Some companies would like to further develop technology with regards to block chain and this is why a certification can be so important to the process.
- Earning new IT certifications can help you to gain access to promotions and raises throughout a company. Taking on a certification course could help you to advance as an employee into an advisory or management role and more.
The development of future technology
- Cutting edge technology like block chain will shape the future of our world. Earning a certification in a cutting edge system of development like this can help you to achieve great things in development. Becoming certified on a new software product can demonstrate achievement for companies looking to forge the tools of the future.
- There are a great lack of study materials and certifications in Block Chain currently. Having access to an accredited block chain certification could make sure that you have a competitive certification that not many other IT professionals would have. It’s quite difficult this study block chain without a comprehensive program like this one due to the lack of materials and the challenge associated with block chain development.
Who is this program for?
Who is this program for?
Picking up a new IT certification in block chain technology can make you a direct expert in your field. This is a certification that could make you instantly competitive as an IT professional. But which types of IT professionals can benefit from taking on this certification?
Developing the technology of the future will be in demand throughout almost every industry that relies on software. Having a foot hold in block chain technology can instantly place you in front of other developers.
You be able to understand the architecture of block chain and how you can develop the complex applications of the future.
Governance & digitalization
Understanding how block chain fits together in our strategic world can make a difference on the way that we view the idea of threats and security.
As block chain encryption technology represents one of the brightest futures in application development, a certification like this one could help you to make decisions at critical moments regarding new technology.
Governance & Digitalization
Understanding how block chain fits together in our strategic world can make a difference on the way that we view the idea of threats and security.
As block chain encryption technology represents one of the brightest futures in application development, a certification like this one could help you to make decisions at critical moments regarding new technology.
How the certification works
Get certified Today
This course in Blockchain foundations is available for anyone to take on. If you are interested in gaining knowledge on Blockchain and then validating your knowledge, we can offer an official certification for you. Applicants that pass through the program will receive a CBI-F certification that demonstrate their mastery of Blockchain. The steps involved with the program include:
Create an account
Purchase the assessment
After receiving your materials with the free account on CBI, you can verify your account via email and purchased the online voucher which is good for one attempt at the exam. The assessment is available one time for the price but you can attempt a reassessment if you are unsuccessful. A passing score of 70% through the exam is required.
Complete your assessment
The online assessment is a multiple-choice exam that takes place inside your web browser. The assessment takes one hour and is designed to be completed by the candidate specifically. If you have your online voucher you can click below to enter your voucher number and start the assessment immediately.
Not sure yet?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Certified Blockchain Institute?
The Blockchain Institute is an industry-leading provider of block chain certifications and one of the only international career resources for blockchain technology.
We are a group formed by tech professionals envisioned in the year 2017. There was a direct lack of quality and assessment for any type of block chain development and the institute formed to improve the development of Blockchain throughout the technology industry.
The Certified Blockchain Institute formed with the idea of offering assessment and training in a new technological landscape to the development of block chain technology.
As an organization we remain dedicated to defining, publishing and collecting knowledge around the concepts of Blockchain technology.
We want to form the most comprehensive course and study guide on blockchain international.
Why certify with us?
The programs that we have our revolutionary and no matter which way you are hoping to implement blockchain technology, we can provide you with a strong understanding of this technology.
We can break down the enterprise-level implications of blockchain and make sure that working professionals can have the tools they need for rapid development and certification.
Is training attendance mandatory?
If you have a strong grasp of blockchain or concepts and you would like to go straight to the certification exam, you can bypass our training materials.
We highly recommend that you read and study the guides that are available on our sites. This is one of the most comprehensive training programs dedicated to blockchain technology online. As the exam requires an 70% to pass, it can be advisable to brush up on these subjects to get the best in results for the certification.
Does the certification require renewal?
IT professionals may require ongoing recertification every 2 to 3 years depending on their chosen career path.
Our certification is designed without a direct expiry date. We didn’t want to create a certification that would require ongoing assessments every few years. We deliver a timestamp on each certification with the option to recertify using the latest learning resources based off of an employer’s requirements.
If you certified this year you will receive a CBI-F 2018 certification in Blockchain foundations. The certification does not require renewal unless you are interested in reassessing your skills several years down the line when new technologies emerge using Blockchain.
Can you verify and announced the certification?
When you pass the certification exam you can receive a digital badge verifying your certification in blockchain foundations CBI-F with the year that you completed the exam.
You can feel free to advertise and share this digital badge on online forums, resumes, email signatures and more.
How long does the exam take?
The certification exam is a 45 question multiple-choice exam requiring 70% to pass. The exam has a timer of one hour.
How much does the certification cost?
Do you offer discounts or re-attempts at the exam?
The training material on our site has been designed to directly prepare any applicant for the exam so that they can get certified and be confident in their knowledge of fundamental blockchain technology. Jump start your career with the blockchain certificate today. You can be certified quickly!
Not ready yet? Let's learn more
CBI Free Guide
Use our study guide to prepare for the exam. Note that these resources form only a small portion of what is available on the web, and we encourage you to do additional research.
Ready to get certified?
Power up your career with a blockchain certificate today.