The certified blockchain foundation course is a certification that’s designed for almost anyone working in the technology industry. If you would like to demonstrate and validate your knowledge of block chain technology, this is an assessment for you.
This type of certification can make you instantly competitive within any technology field. By completing this assessment you will receive a CBI-F level certification demonstrating your mastery of Blockchain.
If you feel as though you can demonstrate a high level knowledge of the fundamentals of Blockchain, you can skip through the learning materials and go straight to the certification. There are however, full course materials for students to master the fundamentals and take on the exam when they feel ready.
You can gain a strong understanding of blockchain through this program. Through the learning resources available here, you can have a massive guide on fundamental concepts within blockchain. A study materials are often difficult to find on this emerging subject, the source reading and exam preparation here are industry-leading.
If you are interested in taking on this course and receiving a CBI-F Blockchain foundation assessment certification, this certification is available at a very reasonable cost of just US$150 for the learning resources and assessment!